If you know Carina well enough, you know she loves to draw. She could sit and draw for hours each day. I'm not even kidding you. She has really missed her Dad's office in Arizona because every day she would get up and walk straight in there and sit at her little table and draw. It was crazy. She took it very seriously. It was her job. She called the office, "Mine and Dad's office.
Here's the sad part. When we moved I sold her little table and chairs and promised to replace it. We finally replaced it after three months. We went back and forth on whether we should get a little table and chairs set or not and finally decided on a desk with a fun chair, both from Ikea. Happy 6th Birthday Carina!
I really like my new desk because it has a sliding drawer and at the bottom you can put stuff there. I like my chair because it winds as you spin it. I have my own markers and I have my own tape and I have my own papers. It is cool and FUN! I really like my new table! by Carina